pups will be picked up at my new house -- 307 E. Ricker rd Loudon NH 03307-0721 ----Please do not e-mail we do not respond just auto respond.Please text or call and keep trying.
- Coming to the farm/ Pick up day----**Please please please do not visit directly after viewing another Kennel, pet store, humane society or anywhere they sell puppies or kittens or stores,within 72 hours before you come to our house. I do not allow dogs to visit pups they would have to stay in your vehicle. --Due to the potential of disease transmission, deadly viruses can travel on your clothes & the bottom of your shoes. Kennel cough is airborn it can even travel in your hair..........You MUST shower between visits change clothes and shoes and wash your hair. Sorry I just don't need sick pups. *And Please do not come at all if : you have been around sick dogs or cats, that have flees, ticks, mites, kennel cough, parvo, or anything that can be passed along to my moms or pups. Thanks again...
My pups are started on the Pro Plan Puppy Chicken & Rice formula. under 1 year
Puppies grow and change at diffrent stages of their growth, if you feel you need to change your puppies food or amount of food, Please do it, only you can see and evaluate your puppy at the diffrent stages of its growth threw its life.
Pro plan also makes a Large breed puppy formula that is good for certain reasons or times. There are many other good formulas and brands. I am just telling you what I start them with and how I follow threw with many of mine.
Next vet appt.
- ----Your pup will have been seen by a vet during the week you are picking up, the shots he has given must stay in your pups system at least 14 days before they can get the next set so make the next vet appt for shots after 15 days can go longer just not sooner. you will find vet results on this page if he finds anything.
an example of someone who got a pup with an overbite
this is a good place to see when pups are born, you are on the waiting list give me up to a week or two , to call you. I like to make sure the pups are strong. alot can happen the first 2 weeks, and nothing worse than calling people back saying a pups didnt make it or mom sat on it. also then I have to call each person in order and wait for them to return my calls. so please be patient. I know everyone is very excited and anxious to know if you are getting one but you can all see the waiting list.
***** going to do pick up day in the barn. drive out back, come in white door ( tack Room).
*** another reminder if you are coming from the south give your self plenty of time fridays and sat the traffic is awful...
* To see pictures of the pups go to: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.labrador.714
* Shelby Bred to Gambit born wed feb 19,2025 --will go home April 16,2025 ish always pending vet appt.
(I like everyone to know the story of this litter, I always like to deal with the truth and facts right up front.
Shelby is out of my Lacey & my Hawk, From generations of my choc girls, this litter is actually owned by my x-Husband Ken LaRoche Sr. I am helping him sell them and doing all the paper work & Payments & pick up schedule .( so it gets mailed to me Brenda Mazzaglia 307 E. Ricker rd Loudon NH 03307-0721) 603-432-0811
Ken works for the town and plows knowing he would not know when he would be called into work for plowing; my Partner on Some of my dogs Steve is helping him out. Steve is taking care of Shelbys Litter 2025. and you will be picked up his house-- 5 Richard street Hampton NH 03842 --- 603-401-0233)
*Choc. Boys
1)Jordan Rae Thornell----Pickup wed April 16@ 11:00
2) Roger & Cheryl Preston--Pickup wed April 16@ 1200
3) Julie Sanderson----------Pickup wed April 16@ 1:00
4) Tyler & Hailey Daniels --Pickup wed April 16@ 2:00
5) Robin Hall VT.--------- --Pickup wed April 16@ 3:00
6) -Pickup wed April 16@ 3:30----this one Available
*Choc. Girl
1) --Pickup wed April 16 between @ 11:00 & 3:00
** when-pups are 2 or 3 weeks of age, a payment of $700.00 is due, personal checks are fine.or venmo*(this payment is however you want to break it up just to show commitment, if it is a problem for you call berenda to work something out ). Send to: Brenda Mazzaglia 307 E Ricker rd Loudon NH 03307-0721. ** Please when mailing payment please write moms name in the memo...Thank You ((**please note ..Not address on contract cant get that PDF file change of address done.))
Final Payment on Pick up day . Must be cash. Need a refresher of this info, see our contract Payment and pick- up.
.Pups are at Steves he is taking care of Shelbys Litter 2025. and you will be picked up his house-- 5 Richard street Hampton NH 03842 --- 603-401-0233)
*)when you call or reach out to me in anyway. can you say or put down (what litter you are getting from) (that means the mom's name) because each mom has her own folder with all the new owners, and that way I know what folder to go to. So I can answer your questions better. Also when you send your payments can you put the moms name on a paper so I can credit everyone properly.
On pick up day, I give you a folder of reading material such as; this material is printable from this page
*Care & Maintence (about 10 or more pages on feeding & care)wwith Important pointers to new puppy owners. Just my opinion I'm not a professioal vet or trainer.
I can e-mail this to you sooner just send me an e-mail and ask for it.) But it is in the folder.
* (on pick up day you will get the actual Vet Health certificate for you to show your vet.)
And also if you have a balance left on your pup (by pick up day) it must be paid in full with cash before the pup leaves my home. (NOT A CHECK OF ANY TYPE) or you will be put at the bottom of the list so I can continue with my appointments .
Another question I get often is Pictures of pups:\
As far as pictures, If I have time I will take pictures.I am trying something new. to see pictures of the pups go to: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.labrador.714 click photos, then Albums. if I have videos check the video button and click that. This is a public page you do not have to have face book to see this page.
Is the food you recommend still Purina Pro Plan Puppy, chicken & rice or lamb & rice??
It is Puppy chicken & rice " Formula" NOt Shredded ( Shredded will not swell when water is added), (lamb is great for digestion), but it good to keep a food like lamb incase you dog has an issue with foods like allergies if you start out with lamb you have no where else to go but veterinary special diet foods that can be very expensive. *So pups leave my house and should continue to get (Pro plan Puppy chicken & rice Puppy under one year formula). I was told many moons ago if you want to change you should buy one large 40 bag bage of what they are use to ,then change.
Do you recommend the plastic hard sided crate or the open wire cratefrom Midwest? I like the Midwest Life stages crate (the have a recomended size for labs on the box, that crate also come with a divider panel to use as your pups grows) . And they are reasonably priced. But you can get any brand that is reasonably priced ( you do not need to spend a ton of money on a crate. Try target & Wal-Mart stores like that for prices before you go to a pet store. On the box it will tell you the correct size for each breed.
You do Not need a collar when you pick up your pup. When you get your pup home take a piece of yarn measure the pups neck, take it to any store and get an adjustable collar your pup will grow very fast. Do Not take a pup of this young age or even before it has it’s complete set of shots (16 weeks) to a pet store.
I am sorry if this is repetitive, I feel like I give you an overload of information, But it is questions people ask over & over again.
****Remember do not e-mail, Please call or text me if you need me or both, you are not bothering me.Please keep tring till you get a responce.
If you need to e-mail me call me to tell me to look for your e-mail .and seems like so much junk or fake e-mails lately.. I have over a thousand in my in box just cant keep up. filling out the form on the litters due page is the way to get info..but even more info if you text my cell 603-432-0811. Thanks Brenda
* To see pictures of the pups go to: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.labrador.714
* C Bred to Due to be born -- born --Maybe go home around ish always pending vet appt.
*Black Boys
*Yellow Boys
* Yellow Girls
*Black Girls
** when-pups are 2 or 3 weeks of age, a payment of $700.00 is due, personal checks are fine.*(this payment is however you want to break it up just to show commitment, if it is a problem for you call berenda to work something out ). Send to: Brenda Mazzaglia 307 E Ricker rd Loudon NH 03307-0721. ((**please note ..Not address on contract cant get that PDF file change of address done.))
Final Payment on Pick up day . Must be cash. Need a refresher of this info, see our contract Payment and pick- up..pups are at my new house 307 East Ricker Road Loudon NH 03307-0721** Please when mailing payment please write moms name in the memo...Thank You
* To see pictures of the pups go to: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.labrador.714
* Bred to Due to be born -- born --Maybe go home around ish always pending vet appt.
*Black Boys
*Yellow Boys
* Yellow Girls
*Black Girls
** when-pups are 2 or 3 weeks of age, a payment of $700.00 is due, personal checks are fine.*(this payment is however you want to break it up just to show commitment, if it is a problem for you call berenda to work something out ). Send to: Brenda Mazzaglia 307 E Ricker rd Loudon NH 03307-0721. ((**please note ..Not address on contract cant get that PDF file change of address done.))
Final Payment on Pick up day . Must be cash. Need a refresher of this info, see our contract Payment and pick- up..pups are at my new house 307 East Ricker Road Loudon NH 03307-0721** Please when mailing payment please write moms name in the memo...Thank You